Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Lucky Find

I went out this morning for a short 28 mile ride so I could be back to the house before Krista had to go to work. The ride was going great - nice and cool for the first time in months, slightly overcast and a nice breeze to make things challenging. As I was cruising along I spotted something "electronic gizmo looking" on the shoulder of the road, so I quickly slowed down and turned around. I figured it would be something like a broken mobile phone or a childs toy, but it turned out to be an iPod Nano! I gave the dial a quick spin and the screen flared right up to the main menu. Being pressed for time I tossed it into my jersey pocket and continued home. I was the only person on the road and I never saw another rider, runner, walker or even a car. Being an honest man, the first thing I looked for on it was a contact page, profile or anything that might identify an owner, but there is nothing but (pretty lame) music on it. Unless the unknown owner has a psychic connection and follows it to my house, it appears that I've got an iPod now. I'll need to get cables and headphones to use it, but that's not much to invest seeing as this model is selling for $299.00 on Amazon. I do feel bad for the person who lost it though, I know that I'd be pretty unhappy.

1 comment:

Bragger said...

This is actually a comment to your comment on my blog. I was afraid you wouldn't go back there. :)

My sister and I hit 47 mph on a tandem, but that's my top speed. And you were absolutely right about the paddling shot being Fort Yargo. What an eye you have!

Congratulations on the iPod. Just another reward for cycling!