Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to School

Monday, Aug.11th was the kid's first day of the 2008/2009 school year. Chase is going into the 5th Grade and his last year of Elementary School. Thera has gone into Year 1 - Kindergarten. It's going to be really nice this year as both kids ride the same bus to school, and Chase is very good about looking out for his little sister. Not that she really needs it - she was extremely excited about her first day, and finally getting to ride the "Big Bus" after years of watching Brother get on it is a real thrill. Chase is helping her out with navigating the school, which can be quite a maze since all the hallways look the same. Fortunately he's an old hand at it now and walked her to the classroom before dashing off to his.

Another nice thing for Thera is that one of her best friends - Pria - lives just a few houses down from us and she is going to Kindergarten this year, too. The two had a great time playing over the summer and think that being able to ride the bus together every day is just way cool. They're not in the same class, but that's probably not a bad thing - especially for the teachers! Their classrooms are side by side so at least they see each other at lunch and during recess. Chase also gets to see his best friend Christophe during the day since their classrooms are next to each other as well.

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