Friday, November 14, 2008

10 Seconds of Fame

I was approached by a friend of mine (Stephen Jansa) who works for Fox 5 News Atlanta about "performing" for a promo that was being filmed for the lead-in to a news story. "Rules of the Road" was a feature piece on the 10:00pm news which looked into the tension between bicycle commuters and drivers. I agreed to play the part of "frustrated and angry cyclist" and was sent a copy of the script. Jeff Zellmer, Promotions Manager from Fox 5 and his cameraman came out to my office last Wednesday to do the filming. I got dressed out in my cycling gear and prepared to launch the beginning of my illustrious career in Television Acting. The filming took about 20 minutes or so and I was congratulated for delivering a dynamic and convincing performance (please - hold the applause). Anyway, the promo aired during commercial breaks beginning on Tuesday Nov.11th until the story on Wednesday Nov.12th. Sadly enough, I never saw it air, and Krista and I had gotten so involved in a discussion Wednesday night I didn't even turn on the TV. I actually missed my own Television debut... But as no Hollywood agents have been beating down my door, I'd have to assume that I'm not being considered for the next James Bond. Jeff was kind enough to e-mail me the video, so here it is for your viewing entertainment. (You might want to hit "pause" on my Music Playlist before hitting the play button)

Video clip courtesy of Fox 5 News Atlanta

Associated News Video:

Associated News Story:

While I have joked around with some of my cycling friends about my "hammed up" performance, I am very grateful to Fox 5 for airing a segment concerning cyclists. So far this year I have logged over 3,000 miles in bicycle commuting. Most of the time the ride is uneventful and drivers are cautious and respectful, but I have had a couple of close calls and have been run off the road numerous times. Any increased attention that promotes awareness and fosters better relations between bikes and cars is a worthwhile effort. It's definately not just the drivers at fault - I have seen cyclists do stupid things too, so hopefully people on both sides of the issue got something out of the story.

1 comment:

Bragger said...

Wow! I'll have to say one day that I knew you back when you were a lowly blogger.

I wish I had seen the news piece. That's way past my bedtime. Ha ha!