Monday, October 6, 2008

A Busy Sunday!

I'd say that Sunday would go down as a great day all around. I started off getting up a little earlier than usual and setting off to the first Cyclocross race of the GA Cross Season. The race was held at Yahoola Park in Dahlonega, GA. Sunday dawned clear, sunny and beautiful. The temperatures are still a bit too warm for "real" 'Cross conditions, but at least it was not 80! The day was still good for racing and I hoped to do well too. I have been riding and racing a great deal more this year compared to the last two seasons, but I still was not sure of how well I was going to stack up in competition. I got to the park in time to get my race number and change into my kit, then take a couple of laps to familiarize myself with the course. I felt really good, but the course was very challenging. The major factors were several long sections of loose gravel road and trails. As I pre-rode the course my wheels were slipping and sliding all over the place and I had a hard time dialing in the best lines to take through the turns. Course familiarization done, I took my place on the start line and waited for the fun to begin. I jumped hard at the gun and got a decent position in the group and immediately settled in. For the entire first lap I held my spot, but was fast coming to the realization I had made a critical error. My front tire pressure was way too high for the extremely dry course conditions and was sliding everywhere, to the point that I was coming to a near standstill on a couple of the turns. Every time that happened I lost ground on the lead riders and had to fight hard to catch back up. Half way through the second lap, the final insult was making it through the gravel without mishap and maintaining my spot only to wipe out on the dew covered grass. I dropped into 7th or 8th spot instantly, then had to stop and straighten out my left shift lever before I could take off again. In hindsight I should have taken a few more seconds to let some air out of my tire, but all I could see was the lead pack disappearing into the woods, so I jumped back into the saddle to gain back the ground I'd lost. I was able to maintain the gap for the next couple of laps, and finally caught and passed a rider in front of me. Attrition in the lead group did me a few favors too as two riders flatted due to the harsh conditions and I was able to jump up a few more spots. The last two laps was a calculated duel between me and a good friend - Jeff. I had the upper hand on the long grass sections, but he held the advantage on the gravel and barrier sections. Fortunately for me the finish line was on the road, so on the last section of gravel path I threw caution to the winds and gave it everything to stay right on his wheel. I somehow made it through without crashing and burning, and was able to take advantage of my road speed to come around him for 5th place. Overall a good effort, but I wonder if the result would have been different had I been more attentive to my bike set-up. However, knowing the best tires / air pressure is something that only comes with experience. I don't have much of that, but I'm learning!

As soon as the results were finalized, it was back into the car to make a mad dash down to Atlanta to pick up my brother! He works for CSX Railways in their Signals Division and is in Atlanta this week for training. Since I kind of like him, I figure it's the least I can do to pick him up from his hotel to come by the house to visit some, if only to save him from boredom... This is the fourth time in the past year he's been down this way for training classes, and it sure is nice to get the chance to visit. I have not seen most of my family for an unforgivably long time, Jay included, so we've gotten together each of the times he's been here. We got to the house and decided to head over to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Fernando's for an early dinner and a Grande Dos Equis (good Mexican beer). We had a great dinner and swapped lots of stories about anything and everything. Family, friends, careers, goofing off and things we'd never tell our parents about. Did I say that out loud? No, not that! We were angels! After dinner settled we drove down to our favorite park for a nice relaxing walk around the lake on the paths. Relaxing might not really be the right term with our two screaming meemies in tow, but it was a nice walk none the less. Jay and I were somehow magically transformed into horsies, though. Thera the Fairy tripped and took a hard tumble on the sidewalk and banged her knee up, so I carried her on my shoulders for a mile or so, then Jay took over and carried her the rest of the way until she decided that maybe she was not hurt that badly. Of course the walk was nearly over by then and we were next to something interesting and fun... Then it was back to the house. We visited for a couple more hours before it got late and I drove back to the hotel to drop him off. Jay has made quite an impression here, and Chase & Thera and the dogs just can't wait for the next time he's in town!

All in all, a great day!

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