Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This and That, or How I spent Monday

I wound up staying home on Monday so we could take care of some "issues" we were having with the kid's situation. Their Daycare is under new ownership and we have not seen much good come of it. On Friday, Chase had gotten into some trouble by not listening to a teacher and then running outside (no fights or nastiness) and had upset one of the child supervisors. I was told about it when I got there, but didn't see that anything really bad had happened so we went out to the car to go home. Evidently the supervisor was writing up an incident report and was angry that I left without signing it. (The report was not necessary since they are only used for injury or serious disciplinary problems like fights) Chase realized that he had left his jacket and so ran back inside to get it. The supervisor that had "handled" the situation saw him and made a very bad decision to express his displeasure - he stopped Chase from leaving, pushed him against the wall, pinned him there and threatened him about following the rules at the school. Chase came out to the car very angry and told me what had happened. My reaction was somewhat less than pleasant and I went back inside to pointedly make my opinion known to the person, although I kept my cool and didn't make any physical threats or contact. Both Krista and I were furious and contacted the school owner, who astonishingly was so spineless and wishy-washy that he made no decision to discipline the person. He apologetically told us that he would have to discuss the situation with his board and let us know the next day how they were going to handle it. We informed him that effective immediately our kids were no longer staying there. That's the unpleasant news - the good news is that we took Monday off and hunted around for a new aftercare for the kids, and found what is practically the Holy Grail of daycare in this area. Old Fountain Academy is only 1.5 miles from the house and has ratings and earned certifications that rank it as one of the best facilities in the state of GA.

We were both very impressed with what we saw and decided to enroll the kids before we could even roll out of the parking lot after our tour. We took them there after picking them up from school and both of them said they loved it. So we filled out all the paperwork and started them right then and there. Today was the first afternoon for them, and Chase said that he asked if he could please just stay for a little while longer! So good has come out of an initially very bad situation. (BTW - we're not going to force the issue with the old school by pressing charges or the like - if the new owner is that weak about his own employess and staff discipline, he'll self destruct without our help. The next parent likely won't be so nice, and they take child welfare investigations VERY seriously in GA.)

On a humorous note, I have decided that we do not actually own a Pomeranian, we in point of fact own a PomerDaneian. Harlow does not drink out of her own bowl, she stands up to her full height and drinks from Clouseau's bowl. She does not want her puppy food, she is much happier to try and chase the Danes away from their food bowls, and actually succeeded in that with Clouseau - Kato would have none of it and a sharp growl and nose punch established that, quick... Now Clouseau eats even faster than he did before, just in case that terrifying little 7lb raider comes 'round again. Harlow chases both Danes around the yard while nipping (literally) at their heels, and she unhesitatingly tackles both of them while they lay on the floor trying to sleep. In her mind, she is every bit as big as they are. Kato and Clouseau on the other hand are about the size of Chihuahuas. It's sad, but terribly amusing.


Bragger said...

What is it about Pomeranians that make them think they are bad-asses? There was a pit bull in our neighborhood (eventually on the news for attacking a man and shot to death) that terrorized all of us. But when our Pomeranian, Gus, took off after him, that guy ran for his life! He could have chewed Gus up with one bite, but he was terrified of the little guy. Good thing, since I went out in the dark not knowing the pit bull was out there...

When we go to Ft. Yargo, Gus will take on ANY dog of ANY size. We have to make sure he's on the leash if we see any other dogs. And his barking makes Libby the Lab jump into the fray, and usually she is imperturbable.

Glad you got the daycare thing worked out. I went through a few of them myself when my daughter was young. Once she came home with a nasty purple bruise on her shoulder from a bite. When I approached the center's director and teacher, I got this response: "That Anthony...we just can't do anything with him."

Mombear said...

What a pain in the tush, I finally go her but it takes an act of congress.

Great pics of Thera's room and that fierce dog of her's, was good talking to you too.