Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'll Be Damned, I still have a Blog?!

My, where does the time go?  Didn't make too much progress the last time I started this back up again.  One  whole post...  Maybe I'll have better motivation this time, but I'm still searching for just exactly what might motivate me to write in a forum that gets read about once every four months by one person.  Oh yeah - do it for myself.  Maybe.

Life plods on in most respects.  Still at Vericor but there have been a lot of changes there that have made working life much easier.  New boss, new company President and a much different dynamic.  The challenges with suppliers, delivery and just plain bad luck are still unchanged, but that's the nature of purchasing.

Kids are getting older but still kids, thank you!  I don't ever want to let that pass me by or spend one day not appreciating them!

Cycling has suffered over the past few years but for my sanity and fitness that has to change.  I've been looking at Cyclocross photos and realize how much I miss the racing.  This year is already too late to be competitive but if I start NOW, I will be in a position to do some road and mountain bike racing next year and hit 'Cross season with a full tank of gas.

Target shooting is the new passion - and I have Krista, Chase and Thera all shooting too!  We go to the range twice a week now and have quite the collection going.  I always did love to shoot and after many years finally get to indulge in it!